Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Your opinion about Literacy Education issue in your discipline, and how technology resources can help in Literacy Education, your discipline, or both.

I have never had a lot of experience with drama beyond the performance, and prior to coming to NYU to get my Masters, I had thought that all the literacy drama consisted of was in the reading of plays and books on theatre arts. However, I am much more aware now of not only how the English academic courses fit in to the drama class, but also how drama can incorporate books and stories into its curriculum. Since taking a course in Storytelling, I am much more aware of how much literacy is a part of the bigger curriculum.
Also, in taking this class, I learned a lot through my online search for literacy based drama. I'm not sure how I would use this in my class, as I prefer more performance based drama classes, but I loved that the resources were so easily available. Also, it was really great to find all the different books that can be used in story telling as well as other teachers literacy based drama lessons. All of these resources are so important, and it's great that technology offers easy access to these sites.

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